Schools Are Legally Required to Report Injuries
In light of the recent headlines regarding the alleged bullying and assault of pupils in schools, the Accident Compensation Commission, Fiji (ACCF) takes this opportunity to remind schools that they are legally obliged to report any personal injury or death as a result of a school accident.
ACCF CEO, Mr. Parvez Akbar says pursuant to the Accident Compensation (School Accidents) Regulations 2018 (the Regulations), if a pupil suffers any personal injury or dies as a result of a school accident, the controlling authority of the school must report the injury or death to ACCF and the Permanent Secretary responsible for Education as follows using the ACCF Form 01:
If the controlling authority of a school fails to report any personal injury or death without reasonable cause, then the Permanent Secretary or an authorised officer must issue the controlling authority of the school with a demand notice to obtain documents or information.
If the demand notice is not complied with then the controlling authority of the school commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000. Additionally, a Fixed Penalty of a $1,000 may be imposed on the controlling authority of the school.
Under the Regulations compensation is payable for injuries or death due to an accident occurring on any school premises, or during a school event or activity. A pupil includes a person of any age for whom education is provided under the provisions of the Education Act 1966, and any person enrolled on any school register.
Since 01 January 2019 ACCF has been paying compensation to pupils for serious injuries and deaths arising out of school accidents, on a no-fault basis.
Teachers and pupils are encouraged to take personal responsibility and all necessary steps to prevent school accidents. Parents and legal guardians should also educate their children about safety in school.
For enquiries regarding compensation for school accidents, ACCF can be contacted on 3235990/ 7009003 and